
Knowledge Corner

How a regular Health checkup helps prevent the onset of a Disease.

We all grow up with thousands of goals and aspirations to achieve and strive to get them all. And, today's generation has gone up to such an extent that they invest all their time into this that they forget to take care of the most important aspect of anyone's life, their health. Health is such a gift that to be treasured at every moment. Even the tiniest negligence may lead to losing a life. Maintaining good health is a sign of good life. Regular exercises, a balanced diet, and a conventional sleep-wake schedule will help you achieve good health.

Health and its gamble:

As absolute as it is to have good health, it is challenging to maintain. The work cultures have changed and, it's becoming impossible to predict any regularity. Nonetheless, some people show ultimate care in maintaining their health. These are the best examples and role models to everyone today. However, health is a blind shot. The more you care, the more you worry, the more it troubles you. We find people who are healthy but passway with fatal conditions like cancer. So, health is just a gamble that is in none of our hands. But, maintaining it is absolutely in our control.

How will your health be impacted by Festivals?

Health is the greatest wealth, is what we have all grown up listening to. We pass our childhood enjoying, adulthood learning, and youth growing up. But, we understand that health is the only priority a man has to live upon. With health being in its proper place, a man can achieve anything. Our daily lifestyles have changed so much that we forget to take care of our health. Health being the star of one’s life is unpredictable.

Following healthy habits guarantee a healthy life but, certain complications throw us under the bus. Diet plays a pivotal role in monitoring our health. Our body is the output of what we consume and how much. Youngsters tend to eat junk food with a higher quantity of oil and, it causes complications like cholesterol at a very tender age. Today, people within 25 yrs of age are prone to health conditions like diabetes, bp, etc. Food consumption is very crucial in maintaining our health. Let’s look in detail at how food plays a pivotal role in maintaining our health.

Diet plays a pivotal role in monitoring our health. Our body is the output of what we consume and how much. Youngsters tend to eat junk food with a higher quantity of oil and, it causes complications like cholesterol at a very tender age. Today, people within 25 yrs of age are prone to health conditions like diabetes, bp, etc. Food consumption is very crucial in maintaining our health. Let’s look in detail at how food plays a pivotal role in maintaining our health.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease- Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is a common ovarian condition that affects over 10% of the female population worldwide, between the ages of 8 to 45 years. Its symptoms include irregular periods, excessive acne, and fertility issues amongst women—the causes for PCOD range from genetics to hormonal imbalances caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

What are the causes of Polycystic Ovarian Disease?

  • A healthy set of ovaries produces the male hormone androgen along with female sex hormones. An excess of the hormone androgen can lead to an imbalance of hormones which causes patients to have irregular periods, grow more facial hair, and have excessive acne.
  • PCOD is hereditary in nature; therefore, the condition is highly likely amongst women whose mothers or sisters show symptoms of the disease.
  • PCOD is also caused when the mature egg is not released from the ovaries, and instead, they can form small cysts in the ovaries.

What are Thyroid disorders? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is a thyroid?

The thyroid gland is present in our throats that secretes several hormones collectively called thyroid hormones. The hormone's main function is to facilitate the growth and development of the body, control the metabolism, and control the body's temperature.

Hormones T4 and T3 are responsible for controlling our metabolism; they do so by telling the body how much energy to produce. When the thyroid gland works properly, it will balance the right number of hormones in our bloodstream, ensuring that our metabolism functions properly.

Like other hormones, the pituitary gland ensures that the right amount of thyroid hormones are produced. However, if the pituitary gland senses a lack of thyroid hormones or high levels of it in our body, it will adjust with its own hormone called the thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH.

What are thyroid disorders?

Thyroid disorders are diseases and conditions caused due to issues with the production of the thyroid hormone or injuries to the thyroid gland.

Complete Blood Count Test

A Complete Blood Count (CDC) or the Full Blood Count test is a complete set of laboratory tests used to evaluate a person's overall health. This can be done by looking at the different components of a person's blood that can be used to detect a wide range of disorders and infections. The analysis is done in an automated haematology analyzer for the size and count, while several manual tests can be done to confirm abnormalities.

The test analyses server components, including the White Blood cells, Red Blood cells, and platelets, along with the concentration of hematocrit and haemoglobin. With the noting of abnormal increases or decreases, it is easy to determine underlying conditions and diagnose symptoms.

Why does someone get a CBC test?

One can get recommended a test as a part of their regular check-up for understanding their general health. The test can identify and help screen any suspected disorder or identify any underlying issue. If someone already has an existing medical condition and experiences other symptoms or an aggravated state of the current manifestation.

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