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How a regular Health checkup helps prevent the onset of a Disease

We all grow up with thousands of goals and aspirations to achieve and strive to get them all. And, today's generation has gone up to such an extent that they invest all their time into this that they forget to take care of the most important aspect of anyone's life, their health.

Health is such a gift that to be treasured at every moment. Even the tiniest negligence may lead to losing a life. Maintaining good health is a sign of good life. Regular exercises, a balanced diet, and a conventional sleep-wake schedule will help you achieve good health.

Health and its gamble

As absolute as it is to have good health, it is challenging to maintain. The work cultures have changed and, it's becoming impossible to predict any regularity. Nonetheless, some people show ultimate care in maintaining their health. These are the best examples and role models to everyone today.

However, health is a blind shot. The more you care, the more you worry, the more it troubles you. We find people who are healthy but passway with fatal conditions like cancer. So, health is just a gamble that is in none of our hands. But, maintaining it is absolutely in our control.

A few common types of health conditions

Although there are thousands of types of diseases, let us look at a few most common ones.

  • Diabetes: Our blood consists of various components. Whenever there is a higher level of sugar count in our bloodstream, it results in diabetes. It mostly occurs because of our lifestyle and food habits. There are other factors like genetics, being obese, etc. Sometimes, it is even caused due to irregular secretions of hormones by pituitary glands. The best remedy to prevent this is to avoid eating food having high sweet content.
  • Blood pressure: We all know that Blood Pressure(BP) is related to the heart, but we aren't aware of its accuracy. As the name has, bp is simply the pressure with which the arteries beat towards the walls of our heart. The normal range is 80/120 specifying the arteries to ventricles ratio. It is important to maintain this range because its hike may lead to crucial heart complications. The best way to prevent increasing your bp levels is by reducing oil intake. Eat more vegetables and fruits and avoid oily food items. Over 35% of heart attacks occur due to BP.
  • Cataract and another eye-related condition: Eyes are the beautiful part of our body. And they are the most sensitive organs if not taken care of. But the most probable eye conditions are cataracts and sights. The main reason is genetic and vitamin deficiency. Vitamin A is the hero of our eye. The more you take Vitamin A supplemented food items, the more your eyes stay healthy.
  • Cancer: This is the most frightening health condition. Unpredictable and unconventional. Cancer is the condition where there is an uncontrolled growth of tissues at various regions of your body. It is such a motile condition that the multiplication passes all over the body. The tissues grow uncontrollably and create clusters like blasts. These blasts travel throughout our bodies and settle in various regions. And they don't just stay there, instead further grow and expand. These lead to the failure of multiple organs and, in turn leading to various other complications.

These diseases have become universal now. It is becoming too difficult to control and prevent them. However, medical advancements have considerably brought appropriate treatments to curb various health conditions. Medical advancements range from the ancient Indian ayurvedic techniques to today's latest robotic surgery technology. The technological disruption has created the right amount of impact on medical technologies. They have considerably developed and are now capable of serving a vast arena of diseases and health complications. With the upgrades, the latest trend of having a full body checkup answers almost all the questions of maintaining a healthy body. But, how effective are the regular checkups is the question. Let's look at the answer below.

Regular health checkups and monitoring

A full body checkup is the new normal for monitoring our health. With various complications riding over our bodies, it is most important to have a regular check on various counts and levels in our bodies. The usual procedure follows to have a full body checkup is

  • Decide on which hospital you are willing to take a full body checkup. Research thoroughly and take into consideration if your company is reimbursing the bill.
  • Book an appointment based on your availability with the doctor.
  • The doctor will thoroughly examine and suggest the required checks to include.
  • It may take a day or 2 to finish your complete body checkup.
  • Based on the reports, take further precautions and medication.

How health checkups help prevent falling for various health conditions:

  • Health checks include a package of tests that go on every individual based on their age.
  • These tests vary from regular blood tests to high-level body scanning.
  • The main aim of a health checkup is to make sure that every count in our body is up to the mark and under control.
  • The medical checks help detect if the individual has suffered from any complications recently and start required medications.
  • They help give yourself a picture of what your body is composed of and further methods to monitor and maintain all the levels appropriately.
  • In most cases, deadly cancer cells are detected through regular health checkups. So you have an opportunity to detect cancer at an early stage. And we all know the blessing of identifying cancer at an early stage. You can cure yourself completely without further complications.

We do follow all the regulations to keep our bodies healthy but it is important to have a regular check of our bodies. Regular exercises, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep don't guarantee your healthiness. So do follow having regular checkups to avoid certain health complications.

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